Monday, July 09, 2007

IDEA World

The convention was great and my session was a success! "Mama Wants Her Abs Back" was part of the Stroller Strides pre/post-natal convention pre-con that taught instructors and trainers how to train their pre/post-natal client doing exercises with the BOSU Ball. I took them through about a dozen of the exercises I used both during and after my pregnancy along with appropriate modifications for each population.

My 6 weeks of preparation had me feeling fit and strong! And I really wasn't breaking my back to do it either. The KEY really was consistancy - an ongoing theme in my journey to stay fit. Being consistant with a routine is the second step toward a successful program. The first step, however, is commitment! I find that when I am committed and consistant, I am best poised to reach my goals.

I still have extra baby weight to lose and I know that now that the convention is over, I plan on taking a little break... but I also know that in a week or so, I will need to recommit to a new plan to get to where I want to go! As life moves on, I prefer to stay ahead of it. It's much easier than having to try to catch up!