Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I must say that finding my balance is a lot harder with a 7 month old baby who is not yet sleeping through the night!

I wish I could say that I am doing all of these new, inspiring workouts but the truth is that most days, I fit in what I can and have been sticking to the same old routine.

I am a runner and have been lucky enough to fit in about 4 runs a week, 3-4 miles long. I love doing it first thing in the morning but now that it's gotten colder, I've had to find other times to work it in so that Paige isn't out in the cold. I've also been practicing yoga 2-3 times a week and am planning to take a course in it starting in January, bringing my practice up to 4 days a week. I love my yoga practice because in an hour, I can combine physical exercise with some time for spiritual and mental exercise too. And because I take it in a class setting, I don't have to think about planning the workout - I need that mental break!

My BOSU workouts are still part of my routine but for the time being, have become less innovative! I've been doing my favorite circuit of 1) 20 GDGU's, 2) 20 pushups - knees on dome, 3) 20 boxer crunches, and 4) 20 single leg bend and reaches, about 3 days a week. I like it because it hits all body parts, takes about 20 minutes to complete, works up a sweat, and makes me feel conditioned. As soon as I have more energy and a more predictable schedule, I will invest more time in creating new routines!

I love to exercise - it is a part of my life, who I am and what I do. My day doesn't feel quite right if I haven't worked some sort of exercise in... it helps that I love to walk because that's always an easy and healthy option!

I don't think I ever really expected exercise to become a habit for me. It was something I started to do to lose weight. Now it's something I do because I don't want to live without it. It simply makes me feel too good! If you make it a habit, it will turn into a lifestyle. That's what I tried to instill in my clients. On days when they really didn't feel like working out, I told them not to cancel our appointment but to come in and we would go for a walk on the beach together instead. They always left feeling energized and even hit the weight room afterward to finish up on their own.

Even though I am tired, I still want to exercise. It actually makes me feel better and helps keep me going. It reminds me to be thankful for my health and keeps my mindset positive. It also gives me the time to give something back to myself and remind me of who I am and where I am going.

Time to go for a run!

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